Electro-Acoustic Guitars
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Crossover CRW12 LATTICE
1217€ outside EU (excl. 20% VAT)
This crossover version is a hybrid nylon string guitar.
It has the characteristics of a traditional classical guitar, but with specific features that evoke the electric or even folk worlds (the neck is narrower at the nut and the body is more compact).
Its rich and warm acoustic properties, combined with its great polyphonic clarity, allow a dynamic musical play, all in nuances.
This J. Castelluccia guitar, electro-acoustic, offers the possibility to play in various styles, to approach the classical register, jazz, bossa nova and many others...
The principle of the lattice bracing was invented in the early 80's by the Australian luthier Greg Smallman. His goal was to make the soundboard as thin as possible, to make it vibrate more freely.
At the time, traditional bracing could not support such a thin top, so Smallman decided to develop a new bracing system, made of wood reinforced with carbon rods.
Because the vibrations of the top are lost in the sides and back of the guitar, he decided to make these two components heavier, so that they are almost inert. By doing so, the soundboard reacts like a drumhead and projects a powerful sound.
However, this concept, which favors projection and power, has materialized at the expense of the instrument's main characteristics, such as sound identity, balance and musicality. In the end, the need to add modifications was inevitable.
As I regularly address a clientele whose leitmotiv is to play the guitar to make music (and not the opposite), I decided to use this lattice bracing principle anyway. And to make it evolve, in order to bring all the technical characteristics, which must imperatively have a guitar of reputation.
From this will was born the CRW12, equipped with a specific lattice system, combined with specially studied components, so that the lacks of the Australian prototype are corrected.
The CRW12 Lattice is the result of further research, allowing the benefits of the lattice system in terms of power and projection, while preserving the DNA of the traditional classical guitar: its quality of tone, balance and musicality.
The Fishman Pro Blend system integrates two types of sources: a piezo sensor under the saddle and an overhead pickup positioned in the body, producing a very wide range of sounds.
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Crossover CRW14 LATTICE
1300€ outside EU (excl. 20% VAT)
For the steel string player who wants to play on a nylon string guitar but with the sensation of a steel string guitar.
Cette version Crossover 14 cases hors caisse est une guitares à cordes nylon hybride qui dispose des caractéristiques d'une classique traditionnelle, agrémentées de spécificités évoquant les univers électriques ou folks (manche moins large au sillet de tête , caisse plus compacte...).
Elle offre des caractéristiques acoustiques riches et chaleureuses ainsi qu'une grande clarté polyphonique et permet un jeu en nuance et dynamique. C'est une guitare éclectique au niveau des styles, permettant d'aborder le registre classique, mais également et entre autre le jazz, la bossa nova etc...
Ce modèle dispose d'un barrage système Lattice issu du modèle classique 70th.
Le principe du barrage lattice a été inventé par le luthier australien Greg Smallman, son objectif était à l'époque de rendre la table d’harmonie la plus fine possible, de manière à la faire vibrer le plus librement possible. Les barrages dits traditionnels ne pouvant supporter une table aussi fine, ce luthier a décidé de mettre au point un nouveau système de barrage en croisillon constitué de bois renforcé avec des tiges de carbone. Persuadé du fait que les vibrations de la table se perdent dans les éclisses et le fond de la guitare, Il décide également d’alourdir ces 2 composantes, de manière à les rendre quasiment inertes. Avec ce concept, il arrive à faire réagir la table d’harmonie comme une peau de tambour avec un résultat qui se concrétise par une grande projection et puissance de son.
Cependant force est de constater que ce concept qui favorise la puissance et la projection au détriment des autres éléments primordiaux constituant les caractères principaux de l'instrument comme par exemple le timbre, l’équilibre et la musicalité, produit au final une guitare au timbre dénaturé, au son très linéaire permettant difficilement un jeu en nuance.
M’adressant exclusivement à une clientèle dont le leitmotiv est de jouer de la guitare pour faire de la musique et pas l’inverse, j’ai décidé malgré tout d’utiliser ce principe de barrage lattice et de le le faire évoluer afin de retrouver toutes les caractéristiques techniques dont doit impérativement disposer une guitare digne de ce nom. De cette volonté est née la CRW14 équipée d’un système Lattice spécifique combiné à des composantes spécialement étudiées, de manière à corriger les manques de la lattice australienne.
La CRW14 Lattice est donc le fruit d’une recherche accrue permettant de bénéficier des atouts que procure le système lattice en terme de puissance et projection, tout en préservant l’ADN de la guitare classique traditionnelle en terme de qualité de timbre, d’équilibre et de musicalité.
Le système Fishman Pro Blend permet de combiner 2 types de sources : un capteur piezzo sous sillet et un micro aérien positionné dans la caisse, offrant une palette de son très large.
[button style="btn-default btn-sm" type="link" target="true" title="Voir le banc d'essai" link=" http://www.guitaremag.com/article/guitares-j-castellucia/"]
[badge bgcolor="#982b31" value="DISPONIBLE SOUS 2 à 3 MOIS"]

Crossover CRW12 LATTICE De Luxe
This crossover version is a hybrid nylon string guitar.
It has the characteristics of a traditional classical guitar, but with specific features that evoke the electric or even folk worlds (the neck is narrower at the nut and the body is more compact).
Its rich and warm acoustic properties, combined with its great polyphonic clarity, allow a dynamic musical play, all in nuances.
This J. Castelluccia guitar, electro-acoustic, offers the possibility to play in various styles, to approach the classical register, jazz, bossa nova and many others...
The principle of the lattice bracing was invented in the early 80's by the Australian luthier Greg Smallman. His goal was to make the soundboard as thin as possible, to make it vibrate more freely.
At the time, traditional bracing could not support such a thin top, so Smallman decided to develop a new bracing system, made of wood reinforced with carbon rods.
Because the vibrations of the top are lost in the sides and back of the guitar, he decided to make these two components heavier, so that they are almost inert. By doing so, the soundboard reacts like a drumhead and projects a powerful sound.
However, this concept, which favors projection and power, has materialized at the expense of the instrument's main characteristics, such as sound identity, balance and musicality. In the end, the need to add modifications was inevitable.
As I regularly address a clientele whose leitmotiv is to play the guitar to make music (and not the opposite), I decided to use this lattice bracing principle anyway. And to make it evolve, in order to bring all the technical characteristics, which must imperatively have a guitar of reputation.
From this will was born the CRW12, equipped with a specific lattice system, combined with specially studied components, so that the lacks of the Australian prototype are corrected.
The CRW12 Lattice is the result of further research, allowing the benefits of the lattice system in terms of power and projection, while preserving the DNA of the traditional classical guitar: its quality of tone, balance and musicality.
The Fishman Pro Blend system integrates two types of sources: a piezo sensor under the saddle and an overhead pickup positioned in the body, producing a very wide range of sounds.
[button style="btn-default btn-sm" type="link" target="true" title="Voir le banc d'essai" link=" http://www.guitaremag.com/article/guitares-j-castellucia/"]
[kad_youtube url="https://youtu.be/5ASCNH4yekY" ]
[badge bgcolor="#982b31" value="AVAILABLE WITHIN 3 TO 4 MONTHS"]

CRW 14-R De Luxe
This 14-fret Crossover version is a hybrid nylon-string guitar with all the characteristics of a traditional classical guitar, enhanced by specific features reminiscent of the electric or folk worlds (narrower neck at the nut, more compact body, etc.).
It offers rich, warm acoustic characteristics, polyphonic clarity and nuanced, dynamic playing. It's an eclectic guitar in terms of styles, allowing you to tackle the classical register, as well as jazz, bossa nova and more...
This model features a Lattice bracing system derived from the classic 70th model.
The lattice dam principle was invented by Australian luthier Greg Smallman, whose aim at the time was to make the soundboard as thin as possible, so that it would vibrate as freely as possible. Since traditional bracing could not support such a thin top, the luthier decided to develop a new bracing system made of wood reinforced with carbon rods. Convinced that vibrations from the top are lost in the guitar's sides and back, he also decided to make these 2 components heavier, so as to render them virtually inert. With this concept, he succeeded in making the soundboard react like a drumhead, with the result of great projection and power of sound.
However, it has to be said that this concept, which favors power and projection to the detriment of the other primordial elements that make up the instrument's main characteristics, such as timbre, balance and musicality, ultimately produces a guitar with a distorted timbre and a very linear sound that makes it difficult to play with nuance.
Aiming exclusively at a clientele whose motto is to play guitar to make music, and not the other way around, I decided to use the lattice bracing principle and develop it further, in order to provide all the technical features that a guitar worthy of the name must have. The result is the CRW14, equipped with a specific Lattice system combined with specially designed components to correct the shortcomings of the Australian Lattice.
The CRW14-R Lattice is therefore the fruit of extensive research, enabling us to benefit from the advantages of the lattice system in terms of power and projection, while preserving the DNA of the traditional classical guitar in terms of tone quality, balance and musicality.
The Fishman Pro Blend system combines 2 types of sources: a piezo sensor under the saddle and an air pickup positioned in the body, offering a very broad palette of sound.

BM 50 jazz Nylon à ouies version De Luxe
3334€ outside EU (excl. 20% VAT)
Voici une exclusivité, une guitare inédite la BM50. Elle offre des caractéristiques acoustiques riches et chaleureuses ainsi qu'une grande clarté polyphonique et permet un jeu en nuance et dynamique. C'est une guitare éclectique au niveau des styles, permettant d'aborder le registre classique, mais également et entre autre le jazz, la bossa nova etc... Le système Fishman Pro Blend permet de combiner 2 types de sources : un capteur piezzo sous sillet et un micro aérien positionné dans la caisse, offrant une palette de son très large.
[badge bgcolor="#982b31" value="Disponible sur commande sous 4 mois"]