Like many well-known products, J.Castelluccia guitars are victims of counterfactors, who do not hesitate to usurp our brand in order to sell “under the cloak” classic guitars stamped with Castelluccia. We have seen this traffic since 1998, and by force of circumstances conducted an investigation to find out who could be at the head of this traffic.
We strongly suspect an element of the teaching staff practicing in one of the municipal conservatories of Paris. In addition to the fact that these instruments do not meet the acoustic criteria of classical guitars, they harm the purchasing guitarist who thinks of buying a real J.Castelluccia concert guitar.
Thus, we invite anyone in doubt about the provenance of their Castelluccia brand instrument, to contact us so that we can carry out a free expertise aimed at authenticating the origin of their instrument. We also undertake not to take any legal action against any person who comes forward and who has been a victim of these counter-factors.
We would like to remind you that new J.Castelluccia guitars are only available for sale in our store located in Paris, and possibly only at certain authorized dealers. We invite you to talk about it with those around you, and to educate all those who have had in their possession since 1998 a Castelluccia brand guitar not acquired in one of our points of sale.
You can contact us by phone on +33 (0)1 43 87 39 50
Thanking you for your collaboration.
J. Castelluccia